Help build our community of people who gather in nature to have fun, learn and feel good.
We’re recruiting to build our core team and strengthen infrastructure.
Non-Executive Director
Seeking experienced and enthusiastic professionals to serve as a Non-Executive Director for organisation building a community of Black Nature Lovers.
Can you help us to the next stage, as a Non-Executive Director (voluntary role)?
We are looking for up to 5 skilled professionals who can support us on our journey by joining our board as a non-Executive Director. You will help us to;
- Support our growth and extension of programmes
- Create strong infrastructure and build staffing and delivery capacity
- Increase our reach and influence
- Help manifest our vision for more people to be connected with the natural world
For an informal conversation in the first instance contact info@wildinthecity.org.uk.
Sign up to learn more about our Nature Connectors programme
Nurture a closer relationship with the natural world and with others.