Our Mission

“Supporting emotional well-being through connection to nature”


Promoting well-being

To support emotional well-being through nature connection; the development of positive relationships with our selves, others and nature

Increasing nature connection

To provide support and encouragement in accessing natural spaces, helping to provide the confidence and skill set to enjoy the outdoors

Promoting time in nature as inexpensive

To provide adults and children with inspiration for inexpensive nature based activities

Increase access to nature

Provide children and adults living in cities with an opportunity to spend time in, learn about and enjoy natural environments

Normalising outdoor play

Wild in the City! works to normalise play in natural settings


Loss of connection

Significant numbers of children and adults living in inner cities have never spent ‘play time’ in nature, creating a generational loss of connection with nature


Many adults and children are unsure of how nature can be incorporated into their lives and play

Well-being and stress reduction

Urban environments have been proven to be stress inducing, triggering parts of the brain associated with fear, whereas natural spaces trigger areas associated with love and empathy.

Affordable leisure

Many city based activities cost money which many families cannot afford; reductions to children’s services mean a lack of youth centres. There is a need for accessible and affordable play space and activity for young people


We work therapeutically to support emotional health and nature connection.  Our work and conduct is guided by the aim of developing positive relationships in and with nature