Wild in the City! runs a range of sessions involving nature based activities designed to help participants engage with their senses, selves, others and the natural environment.
We can tailor sessions to your organisation’s needs.
We offer a wide range of nature based activities including bushcraft, nature awareness, traditional crafts, arts, music and games;
- bushcraft
- fire lighting
- den building
- water purification
- knife use
- tool use
- camp craft
- natural navigation
- tracking
- plant identification
- animal identification
- birding
- nature walks
- traditional crafts
- cordage/rope making
- documentary making
- photography
- art
- music making
- sensory meditation
- free play
- nature clubs
- camps
- retreats
We provide training for professionals on taking your work outside into natural settings, aimed at
- counsellors and psychotherapists
- mentors
- forster carers
- social workers
- youth workers
We provide training and consultation for professionals on emotional leadership, considering our own emotional readiness to lead others in reflective work, aimed at;
- outdoor professionals
- forest school practitioners
- youth workers
- social workers
- public and private sector staff
Session aims
Our sessions aim to;
- increase sense of well-being
- increase comfort level being in nature
- help participants feel more connected to nature
- build confidence within themselves and in being in natural environments
- increase knowledge of natural environments and wildlife
- encourage people to spend more time in natural environments
- develop emotional literacy
- address nature deficit in inner city children and adults
- support parents with ideas of games to play with children in parks/woodland
Making rope from bramble stems, Ruskin Park
Den building with children from Kids Company, Sydenham Hill Woods